All On the Same Ocean 同一个海上

Solidarity with Strikers on the Hong Kong Docks 声援香港码头工人罢工

About Us

We share the same ocean waters, and the same battles for a better world.

We are concerned individuals based in Seattle and beyond who want to express solidarity with the courageous strike that dock workers in Hong Kong have been waging. Hong Kong is the third busiest port in the world, after Shanghai and Singapore. This strike has a powerful impact on global capital. We hope the workers stay resilient in their fight and unite with other struggles in the region. We want to be a part of a different Asia, one that is not ruled by billionaires like Li Ka Shing, yellow unions, state capitalism and other such forces.

Through this site, we will fundraise for the HK port workers, translate articles updating the struggle as it develops, and organize solidarity events and actions in the future.

2 thoughts on “About Us

  1. 感谢你们的理解和支持!香港工运的发展,在不断的延伸和影响,大陆的工运的发展和前进!

  2. 工人维护权利的斗争,依靠的是工人阶级团结的斗志,发挥组织起来切实维权的理念!社会底层的群体的维权,必将激发正义.善良.人们的理解支持和秉力的援助和募捐。

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